Cosmetics, Personal Care, Health And Beauty Products

The most significant features of the Canadian cosmetic regulatory system are

  • 1.  The imposition of mandatory notification of all cosmetic products.
  • 2.  Ensuring the safety of ingredients and products.
  • 3.  Mandating specific labelling requirements.
  • 4.  Restricting claims to cosmetic (as opposed to drug) claims.

We can help you!

Our experienced Regulatory specialists can review or provide you with the requirements for your Cosmetic labels to ensure that they meet with Health Canada’s applicable regulations by:

  • Reviewing label / formulation to ensure that no prohibitive or restricted ingredients are listed or used
  • Providing format for all information required to be included on a cosmetic label
  • Determining the classification of the product: is it a cosmetic or a drug?
  • Completing and Filing cosmetic notifications to Health Canada
  • Reviewing marketing claims being made on the product are permitted

Cosmetic regulations and labelling in Canada.,_c._869/page-1.html